Sunday, 17 November 2013

Big Stone & Small Stone

By Nurul Rafhana

If you are given two types of stones; some big ones and some small ones and asked to arrange them in a box in a way the surface layer should be smooth and must not have bumps and pits, what would you do?

There are two ways of doing it. First, put the small pebbles in and then arrange the big ones at the top which will give a very rough and irregular surface. But when you put the big stones in first and then fill up the gaps on the surface using the small pebbles, the surface is much smoother.

The idea here is which are the big stones in our lives? We have to identify them and place them at the foundation of our lives to have a smooth experience. One of the mistakes we do is we mix up and get confused about our priorities.

One such is our Salah. We usually take Salah as simply as a to--do list among our homeworks, assignments, lunch, tea-time and dinner. It is just there to fit in the schedule. By right, the purpose of our lives is to worship Allah SWT; Salah itself.

Ask yourselves, when was the last time you released your tension, unwind yourself in front of Allah after a busy day? When was the last time you cried in Sujood? When was the last time you really Connected with Allah? When was the last time you prayed Tahajjud? How sure are we that our Salah are accepted? 

For the Prophet SAW prayed all night for us and in return we sleep all night!!

For the Sahaba feared and worried if one of THEIR Salah is accepted by Allah. 

As Standard Bearers of Islam, we should take ourselves accountable and maintain our relationship with the Kings of Kings which is primarily through Salah.

Action plan: 
1) Imagine each salah to be your last and as if that moment of standing is during the Day of Judgement, in front of Allah.
2) Make SINCERE dua begging help from Allah
3) Beat your Nafs and conciously take the decision
4) Remember death often

InshaAllah, this is a reminder for myself first and foremost. Any good is from Allah and anything evil is from me.

May Allah make us all true standard bearers of Islam and help us in following the Sunnah of the Anbiya and the Sahaba. May Allah accept our Salah and make our Hisaab easy on the Day of Judgement.

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