Sunday, 19 January 2014

Grand Solat Hajat


It seems only yesterday we started Block 2 session. And now, we are already preparing ourselves for the End of Block 2 Examination.
Hence, in conjunction with the upcoming examination which would be on the 6th of January 2014, our Discipline and Ibadah (DnI) Bureau had organized a Grand Solat Hajat. 

 On the very last day of 2013, all Eximius members gathered at the Musolla of Kulliyyah of Pharmacy. The program started with congregational Maghrib Prayer. Then, we performed congregational Isya’ prayer, Solat Hajat and Yassin Recitation together. 

Sisters of Eximius

A short tazkirah also was given by our batch leader, Bro. Zuhair. He reminds us to try our very best in our examination until the very last minute before the paper is “taken”. This is because even though we didn't get 4As, it doesn’t matter because Allah judged our EFFORTS, not our result. Hence, we need to put our TRUST in Allah as He always knows the best for us as in Surah al-Baqarah :216. =)

Praying and Tazkirah Time!

Before we move apart, we enjoyed a light supper which is prepared by both Eximius sisters and brothers. =) 

We enjoyed the moments before examination!

Many thanks to the organizer for holding such a great and memorable event. Hope that Allah will accept our Ibadah as well as our prayers and give us the Best in Dunia wal Akhirah...

~Pray for All of Us~

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